Adult Therapy
Life is full of both beautiful and difficult times. Sometimes we may just want to scream at a wall, other times we may just need to have a good cry in the shower, and sometimes we need a really good laugh. Life can be a roller coaster full of unexpected events that come with unexpected emotions. The unexpected moments of life can impact each individual differently and the way that we cope as individuals is also different. Counseling can help with those individuals who may have experienced life’s worst moments. The team here at Joyful Restoration wait with open hearts and open arms. We are ready to listen and help those in need, those that are struggling, and those that really just need a safe place to express themselves. Wherever you are at in your life, we are prepared to meet you there. Some of us get stuck or feel trapped in our emotions because of a trauma that we may have experienced, or even just the way that we were taught to walk through life. Through counseling, we can help you find new ways to cope and endure the difficulties that life brings. We can help you to get out of any unhealthy patterns and behaviors. Our counselors are trained in helping you find the root of the issue that you may be facing and help you to move past it. Everybody has experienced a bad day, it is your choice on what you do with it. Single moms, struggling teenagers, temperamental fathers, and anyone that is at a different stage in life are all invited to begin their journey of healing and receive their joyful restoration.